Rutherford NC Burnetts Open Questions
Updated 5 Nov 2020
Copyright © 2020 [Susan Kromer Hunt, Don Quigley]. All Rights Reserved
1. What is the last name of the Judith that married Jesse? Prince is not proven
2. Who is Thomas Gasperson who does business with William Burnett son of Joseph Burnett? Is he son of John Gasperson and Elizabeth Robinson Burnett Gasperson. He does business with Littleberry and William Burnett about 1808 time period
3. Elizabeth Burnett 1828 (no Gasperson) made an Entry for a land granton Flat Circle a tributary to the Swannanoa River east of Asheville is this Elizabeth Burnett Gasperson. Grant issued to Elizabeth Burnett. Sold by William Burnett (Is this William Claudius Burnett (refers to heirs of Elizabeth Burnett) to John G Burnett. In 1837 sold to John G Burnett
4. Why was not a guardian appointed for Swan P Burnett like his brother Littleberry? Possible that Littleberry refused to leave the area when John Gasperson was arrested for homicide, but Swan went with his mother.
5. Why did Littleberry go to Elbert GA and sell his father Thomas’ land in 1799.
6. Is Littleberry the father of Hezekiah Appleby?
7. Why did Littleberry own land in Buncombe County that he never lived on?
8. Which grandchildren did Richard Coulter take from Rachel McDaniel Burnett Sweazy in 1786?
9. William Burnett sold 100 ac to Rachel Sweazy. Sandy Run land originally patented to George Sweazy. Who is this George Sweazy?
10. Why does William have the right to sell the above 100 ac?
11. Who is Berry F Burnett in Union GA
12. Who is the John Prince in the 1790 census in Rutherford County VA. The one in Brunswick seems too old but a John Prince married Elizabeth Freeman 1787 Greenville VA
13. Who is Sarah Ann Burnett who married Eldridge Bailes in 1791? Clayborn was bondsman he would have to have been born in 1770 to be old enough.
14. Who is Andrew Eaves in Madison County AL who was in Eldredge / Sarah pension application>
15. How are the following people related to Henry Burnett bn abt 1776 or are they? Robert McGaughery m Ruth Burnett 1787, James McGaughery m Elizabeth Burnett 1812, Phebe Carpenter m Benjamin Burnett 1827, Elizabeth Smart m Frederick Burnett Jr ALL LIVED NEAR EACH OTHER IN 1830
16. Enoch Burnett is living near a Lewis M Burnett from 1840-1870. Who is this Lewis Burnett?
17. Rachel McDaniel widow of Joseph Burnett, is her son James Bryson the same person who was the admin of Henry Burnett estate in 1866 in Macon County NC?
18. More research needs to be done on the Burnetts in GA. Eldridge Burnett 1772 before 1870 Union Georgia. Many family trees have him as the father of James Spencer Burnett and Emanuel Burnett. There are also Swan and LB?? in the area
19. Is Lewis Burnett the brother of Henry Burnett bn 1776? The ages and birth locations fit
20. Why was Lewis named as grantor in Joseph Prince will?
21. How was Lewis Burnett land grant in 1797 sold when he left for Ohio?
22. Was Jesse married before Judith, could he have older sons
23. Who are all the people in Joseph 1790 census?
24. Who are all the extra people in William Burnett (son of Rachel’s 1800 census)?
25. Unaccounted for males in 1800 who are they?
a. Jesse household 2
b. Joseph household 2
26. Clayborn has extra people in 1810 who are they?
27. Who are all the extra people in Swan Burnett house in 1810?
28. Who is Swan born 1827 in GA leaving near in Emanuel in 1850?
29. Who is the David in the 1840 census in Rutherford County NC who is 40-49?
30. Are Jane & Elizabeth Goodson sisters?
31. Who is Fannie Cisme who married Eldridge and who is Starling Price the bondsman?
32. Who is Sarah Harrison who married Eldridge and who is Edward Harrison bondsman?
33. Who are all the bondsmens for Clayborn marriages”
a. Mary Melone David Geer
b. Sally Lewis Robert Baber
c. Urcilla Davis Henry Burnett
34. Who are the Bondsman for Joseph and Rachel McDaniel marriage Saroon Egerton, David Hadleston ?
35. Who is High B Cook Bondsman for Robert Burnett and Rachel Black?
36. Who is Hugh W Long bondsman for Thomas Burnett and Margaret Porter? Is Thomas Burnett son of Clayborn like trees on ancestry say? Also Hugh W Long married a Martha Burnett who is she? Their bondsmen were LeRoy Burnett and John Oliver
37. Who is John Melton bondsman for Elizabeth Baker and William Burnett?